Carfentanil is back a lot more prominently than we had first thought. British Columbia Centre Substance Use (BCCSU) lab results indicate that it is quite pervasive in the 'down' supply. It also shows up in samples which contain fentanyl, so the strip would be positive, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results may indicate a fentanyl percentage, but carfentanil is still lurking at toxic levels. It is very important that people use less and go slow and of course use at a Supervised Consumption Site (SCS) /Overdose Prevention Site (OPS).
On April 2nd a sample of methamphetamine was tested that caused the client who was getting the drugs checked, to overdose. The baggie with residue was all that could be tested, so it was emptied onto the FTIR and the reading indicated meth, caffeine, and mannitol. The strip was positive. The client said that he often prepares shots of down for friends (does not use it himself) and that he likely accidentally re-used a 'down' baggie for his 'side'. It is very important to use clean baggies when handling drugs. If all SCS/OPS can ensure they give out clean baggies. It's something which can often be missed/not considered but a very important harm reduction consideration.
It's important to recommend people get their drugs checked as they might not have what they think they have.
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Drug Checking Updates w/c April 1st 2019
Drug Checking Updates w/c April 1st 2019
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